How old is Nour Al Ghandour cast as Noor in 'Honeymoonish'?

How old is Nour Al Ghandour cast as Noor in 'Honeymoonish'?

Actor and broadcaster Nour Al Ghandour is Egyptian and resides and works in Kuwait. She graduated from Kuwait's Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts. She is Noor in the movie "Honeymoonish." 

Muhammad AlAjaimi, who pushed her to be the lead in a series, convinced her to switch from being a broadcaster for the Al-Rai Channel to acting.

Her role as a heroine in the television series "Female Student Housing" brought her notoriety and wide acclaim.

She hasn't looked back since, appearing in multiple productions including 'Dofaat Al Qahira,' in which she played the important part of Eqbal. The series was well received, enhancing her standing in the field.

How old is she?

She is 33 years old, as of 2024.

Nour Al Ghandour height & weight

Nour Al Ghandour's height is 5'7'' and weighs around 67 kg or 147 lbs.

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