Nelson Neumann age: Famous for basketball videos

Nelson Neumann age: Famous for basketball videos

Nelson Neumann, a famous TikToker who rose to fame for uploading video related with basketball highlights and tutorials on his TikTok account. His passion for the sport and his ability to break down complex moves into simple steps quickly gained him a enthusiastic following. He played basketball at Good Vision Academy.


His passion and hard work paid off when he was started to collaborate with professional basketball players and coaches, further establishing his popularity as a trusted source for all stuff about basketball. His videos not only showcase outstanding plays and skills, but also provide valuable tips and strategies for aspiring athletes.

He is not only famous for his popular videos, but now Nelson's fans are also eager to know more about his personal information such as, who is he? Where he spend his childhood? Is he single or dating and a lot more.

His TikTok account user name is - 'nelsontheprodigy_'

Who is Nelson Neumann?

Nelson Neumann, 17, was born on December 18 in USA. He plays for JL3 Basketball's class of 2028. one of his basketball TikToks went viral with more than 2 million views, in June 2023.


In the video, his approach to the basket is blocked by a guard. He quickly pivots and changes direction, maneuvering around the guard with lightning speed.

Nelson Neumann profile

Personal Information
Full Name Nelson Neumann
Famous As Actor
Ethnicity Mixed
Date of Birth December 18
Age 17 years old
Birthplace USA
Nationality American
Zodiac or Birth Sign NA
Body Statistics
Height in feet 5 feet 6 inches
Height in meter 1.68 meter
Height in centimeter 168 centimeter
Overall Body Weight 128 lbs
Shoe size 7 [US]
Personal Life
Dating Possibly Single
Previous Dating? Unknown
Martial Status? Unmarried
Money Factor
Net Worth NA

Nelson Neumann as a tiktoker

Nelson Neumann became famous for appearing in tough challenges. In one of his challenge videos, he was played basketball at Good Vision Academy.


He is of mixed origin and can fluently speak English. He is an avid basketball fan. His favorite television show is ‘13 Reasons Why’. He is a pet lover and owns two pups and a dog named Sky. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius.

His popularity on the platform has shoot up abruptly, making him one of the most influential figures on TikTok platform with over 1 million followers. The sheer number of followers he has amassed is a example to his appealing content and friendly personality.

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